Best Live TV AddOns Kodi
I thought I would make a post to show all the live TV add-ons for people that visit the site. I have a lot of single posts which you can view but rather than making you trawl through my site to find the add-ons I thought it would be better to put them all on one page to make it easier for you.
RUYA – This is a paid add-on. Contact them via Twitter for details
Sanctuary Try the Oblivion IPTV or Today’s Football section
VidTime – Live channels can be found in the VT TV section
AdryanList – A great addon for Spanish speakers. Adryan does a lot of work on keeping this add-on full of fresh content.
PancasTV Primarily aimed at Portuguese Kodi users but has content from various other countries too
Vader Streams a paid add-on with a good choice of HD channels and a daily list of sports events
Clu IPTV From the guys who did Dexter. A free tester of around 110 channels
BassFox my Spanish speaking visitors should love this add-on
Zem TV – A great add-on for Sports as well as Pakistani and Indian TV
BBC iPlayer – All the BBC channels live. This does require you to be in the UK or have a UK VPN.
BBTS – You may have used the IPTV list from BBTS in the past. He now has an add-on with various sports and international channels.
cCloudTV – This add-on has a huge list of channels from around the world. Definitely something you will be able to get a lot of favourites from to add to your favourite TV guide add-on
Project Cypher – Project Cypher is back up and running. Not a huge amount of channels available at the moment but Sky Sports and Movies are available
F.T.V – Loads of channels for your viewing pleasure. Lot’s of UK channels which aren’t geo-targeted so you can watch them without a VPN.
Halow Live – This is a great little add-on and the dev is always on top of things making sure the streams are working and adding new streams as he finds them. It has lots of sport as well as channels from many different countries.
ITV – All the ITV channels live. Requires UK VPN/Proxy
Navi-X – One of the oldest and most well known add-ons this has too much stuff to list. But rather than having a link in the add-on that goes directly to live TV you can search for the channel you are wanting to watch.
Phoenix – Check the Phoenix TV section for various live channels
Renegades TV – This add-on allows you to use an EPG to which you can link preset add-ons. This is regularly updated and well worth looking at.
SportsDevil – Doesn’t need any introduction. It’s sports channels.
UK Turks Live Streams – An add-on with plenty of live UK Sports and TV channels.